The term “double-duty” is one of those highly sought-after phrases when it comes to wedding planning. Anything you can save money on and check off your wedding to-do list is the best feeling for any bride. One of these easiest ways to do this is with wedding favors! Because wedding favors can be pretty much anything you want (and can afford), there’s a lot of flexibility when it comes to creative ways to make sure they are utilized in every way possible at your wedding. Whether they’re sunglasses that guests can wear at a daytime ceremony or bottle openers guests can use at a DIY cocktail bar, you can actually make wedding favors work FOR YOU and your wallet.
One of the best ways to make wedding favors work for you is to have them pull double-duty as escort cards. It’s a fun way to have an alternative to plain paper escort cards, and it ensures your guests will actually take a wedding favor (which is something that doesn’t always happen).
A few of my favorite wedding favors/escort card ideas are below:
Candle Escort Cards: add a romantic glow to the evening right from the beginning with candle escort cards (which double as favors for guests). Combine thematic scents to tie into your wedding—like pumpkin spice in autumn.
Miniature Flower Vases: gather some small vases and add a flower or two to brighten them up. Create a tag that has your guests name and table number on it! (two birds+one stone=BRILLIANT)
Mason Jar Escort Card with Tag: get guests in the celebrating spirit with a drink+escort card in one. Guests can fill their drink at a nearby station or bar and find their seat right after!
*Cake Pops with Tag: Cake pops with tags give guests a special treat while guiding them to their seat. A cute tagline you can put on a sign for guests is, "Use your TREAT to find your SEAT!” There is no harm in having a bite of dessert before dinner, or have the cake pop be everyone’s dessert. This can save a lot as you are not purchasing the traditional wedding cake.